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ILC Members Crave Pres. Weah’s Intervention into Speaker Cambers Poor Leadership Style

Several members of the House of Representatives under the banner Independent Legislative Caucus have presented a 9 count document to President George Weah craving his intervention in what they describe as the poor leadership style of House speaker Bhofal chambers.

Speaking on the OK Morning Rush Monday, April 23,2019 via mobile phone, Grand Bassa County Electoral District # 4 Representative Vicent Willie who is a member of the group said the counts range from financial matters to the manner in which speaker Chambers is conducting the affairs of the House.

The document was presented Sunday during a meeting with the Liberian leader in Monrovia.

All we want to do as Independent Legislative Caucus is to protect the Sanity and which we explain to the president, we are not against your government.

We listed several issues. We presented nine counts to him and he saw it logical and so the conversation went well, and we will have a first, second and third phase of the conversation to see how best we can create a new trajectory as to how the legislature and Executive Branch can proceed in the right direction.

Commenting on the current situation surrounding Representative Yekeh Kolubah and President Weah, the Grand Bassa representative Vincent Willie said Representative Kolubah was invited by the Ministry of Justice, but stated the communication of invite was never sent to the Montserrado County representative.

By standard protocol of procedure, that letter must go directly to plenary, plenary should vote on it and decide whether our colleage should go the Justice Ministry or not.

But it will interest you to know that letter did not reach Yekeh Kolubah, but it was found on face book.

Imagine the Letter was dated for Saturday, how we can work on Saturday, No! And then the name mentioned by the speaker that Yekeh showed me the name one Dorithy does not even work in Yekeh Office at all.

Representative Willie further described the meeting as fruitful and disclosed plans to hold two separate meetings in finding an amicable resolution to the situation at the House of Representatives.   

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