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Chief Justice Korkpor Cautions Public Defenders to remain professional in their proceedings

Liberia’s Chief Justice Francis Kporkor Sr. has reminded the Public Defenders to remain in their professional ethics and represent their Clients’ interest just ass Journalists do.

At the start of the Training, Chief Justice Korkpor  told Public defenders that acquiring training in Media Law does not negate the fact that they are Journalists but help them have insight on Media and Law.

Thee Chief Justice furthered that Public defenders can speak to matters in Court but should remain in the confine of the actual matter that displayed in Court.

You are lawyers, you alredy have your profession, but it important that you know where Journalist come from, because the work you do and the work they do shpuld be able to accompany each other.

You defend, and those you defend have their rights.

Meanwhile, Internewss Chief of Party Jan MacArthur has expressed gratitude for the level of support the Chief Justice and the entire Judiciary continue to provide to InterNews as its relates to trainings on Legal issues.

MacArthur said the training of Public Defenders in Media Law is not to defend Journalists but to know how Journalism and the Law work.

MacArthur said with the proliferation of Media Houses in Liberia, there would be no best Media without Media Law.

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