About thirty eight thousand new Households are expected to be connected to Electricity Grid through the Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity Transformation and Distribution project, including Two Thousand one Hundred street Lights.
The disclosure was made, by the Deputy Head of Delegation of European Union, Juan Antonio Frutos during the official ground breaking ceremony of Light up Monrovia on Friday, June 21, 2019.
Honorable Juan Antonio said the project will enable Thousands of people in Monrovia to steadily see their communities being legally connected to Electricity grid, noting that Illegal connection should never be an option.
European Union has been one of the principal contributors to the development and infrastructure in Liberia, and continues to make significant contribution to the development of regional growth throughout West Africa in Electricity and Roads, such as the Sanniquellie to Loguatuo road.
He said the EU believes that development in Electricity sector must be sustainable by involving and attracting private sector Investment aim at regulating an environment in the Energy sector.
The EU head of delegation further stated that 42 million Euro Electricity Program for Rural Electrification of south East Liberia is on the way where Buchanan, Greenville, and Barclayville will be electrified, noting that Rural Renewable Energy Agency and Liberia Energy Regulatory Commission awards the necessary operational contracts and Licenses in time.
The European Union is committed to assisting Liberia in many areas, including Road construction, Energy, infrastructure Development.
Also speaking, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Gesler Murray said the Liberia Government will brave every whether to ensure that Electricity reaches the remotest part of the Country.
Minster Murray maintain that a robust and stable Energy Grid is paramount towards unlocking Liberia’s full growth potential across many great sector like Agriculture, fishery, manufacturing, hospitality, and Tourism.
He Admonished community dwellers to play their role in Protecting the Liberia Electricity Cooperation Assets and report power theft noting that power theft has been identified as the major culprit responsible for the high rate of commercial lost.