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Nimba law maker wants reduction in the 2019 National Census Budget if…

By  Nyantee Togba


Monrovia,Liberia: Nimba County District 8 Representative Larry Youngquoi says he will support the call of the Ministry of Finance for the reduction of the census budget if such portion of the amount is allocated to other government priority areas.

Recently LISGIS, the body charged to conduct national census across the country, said it will need 19 million US dollars to conduct the process.

But few days ago Minister Samuel Tweh said he was contemplating reducing the census budget.

Speaking to reporters in Monrovia, House’s Chair on Good Governance Representative Youngquoi said the amount to be deducted must be done in good faith and not to be pocketed by an individual.

The Nimba district 8 Representatives who indicated that the national census will be conducted in 2019 however wants the Liberian Government to make full its contribution towards the process.

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