The Joint Legislative Budget Committee of the Legislature has completed its hearing on the revenue and expenditure component of the country national budget.
By Terry Wholquoi
The Budget hearing of the revenue and expenditure component for the past weeks brought together heads of government ministries and agencies in order defense their budget.
Speaking at the close of the budget hearing up capitol hill Wednesday the chairman of the joint legislative budget committee Representative Thomas Fallah said committee has deem it necessary to come to the close of the hearing after listening to some heads of government ministries to giving cause on the increment of their budget.
Representative Fallah said the Joint Legislative budget committee has also reverted to committee room in order to address some of the critical part of the budget.
According to him, heads of different government ministries and agencies who missed out on the hearing due to foreign travel will be given a day to defense their budget in committee room.
He meanwhile assured that the country fiscal envelope will shortly be passed after all committee works have being done by members of the committee.