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Landlord asks Saint Assembly Ministry to depart his Land for alleged group sex

Monrovia – Former Rivercess senator and landlord, G. Roberto Dole, has asked the owners of a “strange church” named ‘Saint Assembly Ministry,’ to vacate his land.

Mr. Dole said his action follows numerous riots on the church’s premises by parents who come to take their children away from the church but meet stiff resistance from the church members.

Mr. Dole disclosed that the church began as a small bible study gathering but immediately started construction something he said he accepted on grounds that he is a Christian.

According to him, Saint Assembly Ministry began with few men but today they have 20 percent women and the rest are all men.

“The other day I wasn’t well and I was indoor. I was forced to come out to listen to a mother who came for her daughter whom she said had spent three weeks out of the house. She was directed to this church. When she went there, she was assaulted because she was wearing on earrings, a pair of jeans and a necklace.

“She came with some guys, who started throwing rocks on the church roof. Her daughter did not come out until their service was over because that is the church’s policy.”

“It is neither the first nor the second; every week a parent comes here to take his /her child home.”

He further narrated that he has heard them saying that they are not afraid because they are facing persecution like Paul in the Bible; so whatever attacks they received, it comes to strengthen them. He added, “But I told them this is not how Paul persecution was.”

Mr. Dole continued, “They have forced several children here to be part of the church. They don’t look like Liberians because they don’t use deodorant, perfume, bath soap, cut their hair; they are totally malnourished.”

He wondered why many of the members are young men who are being deprived education and family.

The former Rivercess County Senator, who gave the parcel of land that the church presently sits on, said he has not taken a dime from the church since it was established.

“They have an area on the other side where they cook and keep the kids if their parents are giving them tough time, so I think the Government must act to help the kids reunite with their families.”

“The government should also investigate and if this church is not real it must be closed down. I have not gone to look in that church since it was established but the rumors are real because the explanations from parents.”

He compared the church to “Never Die” that was closed down by President Charles Taylor.

He alleged that the church is practicing group sex something he said needs urgent investigation and because of all those vices, he had to tell them to move out and find another location for their church.

“I have given them notice because they are causing many stirs in my yard; also I am concerned whether the Liberia Council of Churches and Government know about this church.”

According to him, Saint Assembly brainwashes children using the Bible as a start-up.

He revealed that the church tried to recruit his kids and later try to recruit himself but was unsuccessful.

“Since they started making noise with parents over their members, and God is not a noise maker, so I have given them notice to leave my property.”

Nevertheless the confusion, he admitted that the pastor of the church hasn’t thrown insult at him but still thinks that it’s time that they leave “because we are peaceful people, parents can always come and fight for their children.”

Dole promised to consecrate and break down the structure when they leave his land.

Mrs. Dole interrupted the interview and pleaded with the police to intervene as the church has now grown to more 3,000 members.

“Many of the members are young people who abandoned their families. I want is for them to leave from my land. They told me they were only here for three years and it was a bible study,” she stated.

However, the General Overseer, Robert Dossen, denied that the landlord has given them notice to leave.

He said he awaits the Lord to order him to leave the land, “I am awaiting the Lord’s direct whether to leave or not. But the landlord has not given us any notice yet.”

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