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Liberia: House Speaker Dr. Chambers names former President Sirleaf person of interest to aid missing billions investigation

Monrovia: House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers says former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as a person of interest to aid the ongoing investigation surrounding the missing Liberian dollars currency.


Report by  Wholquoi Yeahgar_ywholquoiyeahgar@gmail.com


Speaker Chambers’ declaration is in the wake of recent statement by Former President Sirleaf surrounding the missing currency.

The Liberian Speaker added that the statement as provided by the Former Liberian Head of State lacks measurement to a certain extend and not guarded but has the right to speak out.


The Liberian House Speaker, who expressed optimism that former President Johnson Sirleaf will be available when called upon, maintained that it was under her regime that the reported act occurred.

“Basically this is a Country that guarantees freem of expression. The former president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf made a statement,  though the statement to an extend lacks measurement, how be it, I think the former President is a person of interest and I think she can help guard this process. Because, it was under her administration, when these acts did take place. So, I believe the former president is willing to help the Liberian People; and when the time reaches, we will call her excellency, Madam Sirleaf to help us.” 


At the same time Speaker Chambers has distanced the legislature’s authorization of the Central Bank of Liberia in the printing of additional ten billion Liberian bank notes.

The Speaker added that the legislature only authorized the printing of five billion Liberian dollars.

According to him, comments in the public linking the legislature to the printing of said money are not only unlawful but unpatriotic.

“But what i will say is that, we  members of Legislature have stated unequivocally  that there has not been any authorization for the Central Bank to print additional ten billions Liberian dollar bank notes (10, 000, 000, 000),”  said Speaker Chambers 

Speaker Bhofal Chambers made the statements after a closed door meeting with former Speaker Emmanuel Nuquay, Former Central Bank of Liberia Governor among other high profile officials at his Capitol Building office on Saturday, September 29,2018.


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