Monrovia, Liberia – The National Election Commission has been directed by the Supreme Court to hold a new count in Grand Bassa County’s Electoral District #5.
According to the Supreme Court’s ruling, unsupported assertions are not proof; they remain unsubstantiated assertions.
The UP candidate running in Grand Bassa District #5 claimed that the Representative Records of Counts at two polling stations in the district had been altered and inconsistent. However, the candidate was unable to provide a representative record of the counts to support his claim; therefore, it cannot be upheld according to the court.
The High Court verdict stated that a recount of all the votes cast in Grand Bassa’s Electoral District #5 is necessary due to the fairness of the recount procedure and the close vote gap of forty-nine between the top two candidates.
The Supreme Court ordered the NEC to recount the votes cast in Electoral District 5, Grand Bassa County, and dismissed the UP candidate’s request for a rerun in two polling stations.
Reported by: Watson G. Richards
Contact: +231880381808