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Supreme Court orders recount in five polling places within Electoral District #4, Bong County

Capitol Hill, Monrovia – The Supreme Court of Liberia has ordered the National Elections Commission to conduct a recount in five polling places within Yowee and Mbellequah towns in electoral District #4, Bong County.

The recount process is expected to be conducted on Thursday, December 14, 2023, at the NEC Upper Bong office in Gbarnga City. The high court ruling follows weeks after candidates Quanuquanei Kermue and Susannah Mator challenged the election results of the district, citing electoral fraud and irregularities.

Candidate Kermue said the highest court’s decision signifies the justice system’s preparedness to impartially dispense justice and ensure the right things are done. Following the 2023 presidential and legislative elections, the NEC and High Court recorded numerous cases, including this one. These case were handled in favour of the right parties, giving way to peace in the country.

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